I’m using Unity 2019.3.0a6.
I’ve been trying to dig through your script to organize the pool by objects in their own GameObject container.
For example, I’d like my bullets, multipliers, textPopups, etc to fill the hierarchy in a cleaner way. Such as:
ObjectPoolingManager/ //This is an empty GameObject with the CFGObjectPoolingManagerEditor component
bullets/ //This is GameObject to hold the pooled objects that has the same name of the prefab that is being pooled.
bullets(2) //These pooled prefabs are children of the parent GameObject above. In this case "bullets".
multipliers/ //This is GameObject to hold the pooled objects that has the same name of the prefab that is being pooled.
multipliers(3)//These pooled prefabs are children of the parent GameObject above. In this case "multipliers".
If I want to pool 100’s of objects the hierarchy becomes very impossible to use/test with. And in general, it would be nice to just be organized.
I am new to game development/coding and finding the right place in your very finely put together set of classes can be rather difficult.
If you could add this feature, it would be greatly appreciated.